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Our Featured Event
10.07.2009 The Planet Eatrh Birthday

The majority of humans love Our Mother once named the Planet Earth. But as it turns out this “humane love” of people for their Earthly Genitrix is highly selfish. We’re still up for grabs to share our Mother treating Her just as a cash cow. We continue in scope and depth dig Her ripping out Her bowls and tearing off Her skin, destroying our Aura…But we fail to hear Her breath and hear Her heart beat. And such a parasitic love overdriving Her pulse alienates Her and moves farther from us.
“Terra nunquam sine usura reddit, quod accepit…”
There’s crisis in the educated heads of adults and their senses. Time to hold thoughtful communion with oneself is over, it’s been long about time to act… We borrowed the Planet Earth from our descendants, and must ensure that they will live and think the proper way, treat their mother well with respect and ENJOY the Sun beams… 
On July,30,2009, on the shores of the Great Well of the Planet - Lake Baikal – under the auspices of the well distinguished persons who are far from being indifferent to the fate of the World, in the framework of the “NEO” project there will be held a remarkable event - The Planet Earth Birthday - that will gather participants from different countries of the World.

We, at Absolute Siberia – Events & Expeditions Bureau share the world outlook of the Planet Earth Birthday participants. We’re also glad that Baikal was chosen as the place for this Event. And we’re proud that Absolute Siberia was honored to become the operator of the Planet Earth Birthday to be held on the shore of sacred and glorious Lake Baikal.

Destinations in Siberia & Beyond
Weather in Irkutsk
FRI (10.11, evening) 5 / 3 Day
SAT (10.12, night) 1 / -1 Night
SAT (10.12, morning) 2 / 0 Day
SAT (10.12, day) 12 / 10 Day

Our Associated Organizations




Inter-Baikal Cultural Organization


Siberian Tourist Organization



Ñîçäàíèå ñàéòà - Prime Group LTD.